For more than one reason it might seem an odd combination. Dutch wines, wine tasting and sportscars. Lotus Club Holland thought outside the box when the new event ‘wine tour’ was launched. Most club members were not ready for this kind of thinking since only 8 cars were registered for the event.
Looking back on the event, we can safely say they were wrong. Most club members that is. Despite some rain showers and thunderstorms, this was a well organised and very interesting and tasty event.
In 2001 an enthousiastic wine lover from The Netherlands, Freek Verhoeven, started winehouse De Colonjes in Groesbeek near Nijmegen. He thought that with new grape varieties and the soil type in this particular area, which is rich in minerals, it should be possible to produce good wines in a moderate climate. And he proved to be right. From three biological vineyards of in total 130.000 m2 come 10 different grape varieties . Next to that Colonjes produces wines for several other local vineyards.
In the end, due to the poor weather forecast, only five Lotus cars turned up, along with two cars that suited this forecast better.
After coffee and cake at the Dutch Viticulural Center four local vineyards were visited. And of course their produce was tasted by the drivers and their co-drivers. It goes without saying that the tasting was like tasting should be: just some sips. Wine tasting is mainly about the nose, since the tongue can only distinguish five flavors.
Of course, the Dutch wines are not comparable with wines from France, Italy or Germany for that matter. For that, simply not enough sun hours are available.
Ranging from okay to good to really special, it was nevertheless an interesting day with lots of information about the art of growing grapes for wine and making wine.
The day ended with a fantastic barbecue and, of course, locally produced wines. And some nice sunny weather in which Lotus cars star extremely well!